
We've put together a list of helpful travel tools that will make planning and preparing for your next trip a breeze. Check current currency rates, passport information, travel alerts, flight status and more.


Passport Information

First Time Passport Applicants
First time passport applicants need to apply in person. This section contains a useful guide to determine whether or not an in-person visit is required as well as information on preparing documents and obtaining passports quickly.

Passport Renwals
Information and procedures on how to apply for a passport renewal.

Order Expedited Visa or Passports Online
We've partnered with CIBT, a U.S.-based passport & visa processing company offering expedited Visa and Passport services.

Currency Exchange

Currency Converter & Exchange Rates
Get up-to-the-minute exchange and foreign currency exchange rates from XE, the leader in online currency rates.

Travel Advisories

Current Travel Warnings
Visit the U.S. Department of State website for current travel advisories, alerts and warnings.