Cheap Flights from Los Angeles

Fly4Less offers discount flights from Los Angeles to most worldwide destinations on major airlines. Search for low fares, hotels, car rentals and family vacations in Los Angeles using our safe secure travel reservation system. Book your Los Angeles California travel today.

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* The domestic round-trip airfares listed here are researched on a daily basis, for departures 14 days from today's date, include a Saturday night stay and are for informational purposes only. International rates are for departures 21 days from today's day. Airline carriers may change fares on a daily basis without notice. Fares may not apply to all seats on all flights and are subject to availability, payment restrictions and penalties for cancellations or changes. Extremely limited fares (including some weekend fares) may not be included. Airfares listed include all taxes and fees. Other restrictions may apply. Fares powered by FareCompare.